Sunday, July 3, 2011

Of giant tents and floods....

For those of you on Facebook, you may have read about our "impromptu flood" on Saturday morning. One of the main lines to the bathrooms was clogged and water went EVERYWHERE. The City of Sachse came out and turned off the water, and the kids were amazing at wading thru the house with towels, blankets, bed linen.....anything that was absorbent in any way to try and protect as much of the wood floor as we could. 8 hours and one plumber later, we were fixed, but that was only the beginning. Today we had Service Master come in with HUGE fans and dehumidifiers. (which blow dry hot air. Our house is almost 90 degrees) They will run non-stop for 72 hours....we hardly hear the roar of the fans anymore....HA! Then we get to deal with getting the wood floor replaced....and oh yeah, the landlord isn't paying for it. Can we become a charity and accept donations?

Some of the fans and hot-air blowers in the front hall way.
This monster blows the dry, hot air with amazing force.
living room fan
more of the same in my bathroom and closet
each dehumidifier has a hose that drains into the sinks. Pretty.
Enough of the flood story. A few weeks ago when I came home from work and tried to walk into our family room, this is what greeted me! A maze of boxes that you crawled through to get to the main tent. Aka: Fort of Fantasia. Crazy kiddos.....happy memories.

Ben...inside his fort.

1 comment:

  1. Aww..I was wondering where you were today!!! I'm sooo sorry, I didn't know you were having all that fun:/ Hang in there!!!! Love the fort...brings back many memories of many forts!lol (Also love your blog...didn't know u had!)
